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What is a Star?

A star, as defined by google is "A fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun", to put this in simpler terms, it is a massive ball of hot hydrogen gas, in the shape of a sphere, which is held together by its own gravity. The star closest to earth, is the sun, which is the source of most energy on earth. You can see stars in the sky at night, to you they look like tiny pinpoints of light, but really they can go from being 20km across, to being hundreds of times bigger then the sun, which is considered medium sized.

Where is a Star born?

Stars are born in nebulae, which are giant dust and gas clouds. Nebulae can be found in every galaxy across the universe. Under the pull of gravity, clouds of dust and gas shrink until the mass of matter becomes extremely hots and begins to give off energy as heat and light. This is how a new star is born and starts to shine.

How long do Stars last?

A star can last up to billions of years, depending on their weight. The Sun, lives for about 10 billion years, whereas a star which weighs as much, only lives 10 million years.

A photograph of the Star nearest to Earth, the Sun

Picture of Nebulae

Types of Stars

A star can be many different colours, the colour of the star is determined by its temperature. This can be seen in the table below.

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